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导读 大家好,我是小十,我来为大家解答以上问题。abroad,studyabroad很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、这个学校很不错```我知道怎...


1、这个学校很不错``` 我知道怎么申请这个学校 You can apply for it by yourself or get help from studyabroad company. The steps to apply by yourself (1)Find out the website of koluo university (2)send your informtion to the university (3)you can get a reply from the unversity a few days later (4)The officers will tell you how to do or what should be prepared (5)Get some information about studyabroad-korea and notices from internet (6)Just do it you can get steps to korea YOU CAN CONTACT AT smat_sg@yahoo.com.cn MAYBE I CAN HELP YOU I AM A STUDYABROAD STUDENT BUT NOT IN KOREA BUT I AM KOREAN OF CHINA I KNOW SOMETHING KOREAN STUDYABROAD。
