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黑布林英语阅读读后感100字英文 黑布林英语阅读读后感

导读 大家好,我是小典,我来为大家解答以上问题。黑布林英语阅读读后感100字英文,黑布林英语阅读读后感,很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看...



2、I have read a book named Harry Potter,the famous novel around the world.The writer created a wonderful and magical world,which is loved by all children in the world.

3、What I gained from the book is that you should have a good heart and not be afried of any difficulties.To be a brave and good person,halping the one who is in trouble.

4、Not only the people but the details in that book give me a deep image.I hope that if you have a chance to read it,you will like me,loving it.
