drenched歌词究竟表达啥(drenched 歌词)
大家好,小六来为大家解答以上的问题。drenched歌词究竟表达啥,drenched 歌词这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、一切的颜色? 难道,你我的那一吻 You held me in your arms? Is it wrong to feel right? When the world is winding down 当世界。
2、 I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I 我能听到你的泪水里 有你我不能掌控的无奈,斑斓也失去了色彩 Have we lost our minds、 (同上) 以上来自百度一下你就知道下面是神级的翻译版本When minutes become hours 当须臾化作长久 When days become years 当昼夜渐成四季? 忘记了我们所做过的, I held you in mine You picked me up to lay me down揭开那些尘封的记忆,我除了疼,还是疼,我总小心翼翼的守护着它,不被忆起,却不知。