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spiky-leaved pineapple怎么读(spiky)

导读 大家好,我是小十,我来为大家解答以上问题。spiky-leaved pineapple怎么读,spiky很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、以下是参...

大家好,我是小十,我来为大家解答以上问题。spiky-leaved pineapple怎么读,spiky很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

1、以下是参考例句,希望能让你更加的清楚 与 Spiky 相关的例句Your hairbrush is too spiky for me. 你的发刷我觉得太尖了。

2、 crisp spiky leaves with somewhat bitter taste. 脆的长而尖的叶子,有点苦味。

3、 Spiky projections on top of a fence; a projection of land along the coast. 伸出围墙顶的大而尖的凸出物;海岸伸出海洋里的部份 Short spiky hair is all the fashion with the girls in my class at school. 短钉发式在我班的女孩中风行一时。

4、 southern European annual with spiky heads of crimson flower; extensively cultivated in United States for forage. 欧洲南部的一种一年生车轴草,花深红色,穗状头状花序,圆筒形。


6、 Careless use of spiky rollers and hairpins, excessive heat styling and not having the hair trimmed regularly can also cause the problem. 不经心地使用锐利的卷发器和发卡.过多地进行热定型,不经常修剪头发都会造成发梢开叉。

7、 Cleopatra allegedly owed her good looks to bathing in goats’milk and aloe vera, the spiky cactus-like plant found in deserts and on British window sills. 据说埃及女王克娄巴特拉依靠用羊奶和芦荟洗澡来保持她的美丽外表。


9、 Break off the spiky leaf and open it up, scoop out the sticky colourless gel to put directly on to the skin to heal burns, eczema, cuts, ulcers, psoriasis, scars and sunburn. 折断并打开一片尖尖的叶子,把它那粘稠无色的凝胶挖出来就可以直接敷在皮肤上,用于治疗烧伤、湿疹、割伤、溃疡、牛皮癣、伤疤和太阳灼晒。
