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导读 大家好,我是小五,我来为大家解答以上问题。关于自信的英语作文带翻译,关于自信的英语作文很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、C...


1、Confidence is the key to success! I was having a word with one of my friend today and during whole conversation, I felt that he lacked on one point and that was self confidence. All the way, he was comparing himself from those people who were successful in his field of work, people around him. And he was just keeping himself “low” from them. Well, it’s the self confidence which can make and break things. This thing applies in blogging too. Feel confident about the things you do and don’t just think that because other’s are doing well, then you are any less than them. You are equally good and it’s only you who can realize that where exactly you are good. Here are few things which you should follow when you are losing self confidence : 1. Stop thinking that what other are achieving : Instead think that what is making them achieve that success and then work on those areas and try to gain that same success. 2. Think on the lines, where you are lacking but don’t make them the hurdle in your success : Instead, think that how you can improve on those weak points. No body is perfect and no one will ever be, so if you do lack somewhere, you just have to think that do you really lack or do other are making you feel that. If at all you think that yes, you do lack in a particular area, then go ahead and work on it. 3. Improve the areas where you have the mastery : Again, no one is perfect and there is always a scope of improvement and by talking to various people in that niche, you’ll only gain knowledge and will be able to know more in that field. So talk to your fellow bloggers, and see how they do things differently and how they blog, I’m sure you’ll learn something new than what you already know. 4. Teach someone in that niche : When you’ll talk to someone in that niche who is still new, then you’ll be able to share those things which you already know and that way your confidence level will increase, because you’ll realize that you know much more than others and that will give enormous amount of confidence. 5. Success is what you feel with in : Well, its all about setting the standards. Everyone knows what he or she is capable of but just because you get influenced with someone, you start to feel that you are not successful. Instead think that what you’ve achieved and start to feel good about it. Again there is a very think line between self confidence and over confidence. Feel confident about things you’ve achieved but don’t be over confident and don’t think that anyone is less than you. You can’t know each and everything but you can be good in many areas and sharing things will only make you better. So, never feel that you are any less than anyone else and never let others think that you are any less than them. 今天我与我的朋友谈话,在整个谈话过程中,我觉得他缺少一点,那就是自信。



4、 成也自信,败也自信。




8、 这里是一些当你失去自信时你不应该做的事情: 停止思考其他人的成功:而要思考是什么使他们获得成功,然后在这些方面努力,争取获得同样的成功。

9、 2、线性思考你缺乏的东西,但不要让它们成为你成功道路上的阻碍:相反,你该思考如何可以改善这些薄弱环节。



12、 3、提高自己的优势所在:再一次,没有人是完美的总是有一个说话的进步,通过在该利基不同的人,你只是在获取知识,也能够知道在这个领域更宽。


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