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印象西湖雨歌曲(印象西湖雨 歌词)

导读 大家好,我是小十,我来为大家解答以上问题。印象西湖雨歌曲,印象西湖雨 歌词很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、雨还在下,落...

大家好,我是小十,我来为大家解答以上问题。印象西湖雨歌曲,印象西湖雨 歌词很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

1、雨还在下,落满一湖烟 Remaining the rain falls upon the steam like lake. 断桥绢伞,黑白(了)思念 The Broken Bridge, with the silk sunshade, my sighing for you paled into black and white. 谁在船上。

2、写我(的)从前? Who on the boat, is writing about my past? 一笔誓言,满纸离散 A line of vow, but on paper was all about parting. 雨啊~~站在湖边 Rain~~, ah~ Standing at the edge of the lake 雨啊~~遥望北岸 Rain~~, ah~ I look at the north bank in the distance. 雨还在下,落满一湖烟 Remaining the rain falls into a lake of steam. 断桥绢伞。

3、黑白(了)思念 The Broken Bridge, with the silk sunshade, my sighing for you paled into black and white. 谁在船上,写我(的)从前? Who is on the boat, writing about my past? 一笔蝴蝶,满纸离散 A drawing of the butterfly, but on the paper was all about dispersing. Da…da….da…. Wu….wu… 我的告别。

4、从没有间断 My word of farewell, has never been stopped, 西子湖上,一遍一遍 the Westlake, again and again 白色翅膀分飞了流年 With those white wings, fly away the fleeing years 长叹一声天上人间 Toss and sigh, (How I long for) heaven on earth 雨还在下,淋湿千年 Remains the rain, a thousand years all wet 湖水连天。

5、黑白(了)相见 The lake connecting the sky, paled our meeting into black and white. 谁在船上,写我(的)从前? Who is on the boat, writing about my past? 一说人间,再说江山 Saying about the real world, then about the mountain and waters.。
