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导读 大家好,我是小五,我来为大家解答以上问题。胆囊炎的症状是哪里疼,dan很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、DAN主要的和历来的任...


1、DAN主要的和历来的任务在于为潜水意外提供紧急的医疗建议和帮助,致力于防止潜水意外和宣传潜水安全的一个非赢利性组织. DAN一直宣传和支持潜水研究和教育,尤其在提高潜水安全,医学治疗和急救等方面. 并与其他公司合作提供紧急撤离和潜水保险的服务. 提供世界级的会员服务,其中包括TravelAssist,潜水伤害保险和潜水安全杂志. Provision of world class member services including TravelAssist, dive injury insurance and a dive safety magazine. 为24小时潜水紧急事故热线提供资金 Provision of funding for 24 hour diving emergency hotlines 急救和供氧的培训课程 First aid and oxygen provider training courses for the diving public and beyond. 主持学术交流发布关于潜水健康和潜水安全的最新信息 DAN conducts educational seminars to disseminate the latest information on diving health and safety 研究关于连续潜水,潜水后飞行,年龄,性别等因素对潜水人的影响, 以便提高对悠闲潜水安全的认识和安全潜水表格和潜水电脑的发展 Research into factors such as repetitive dives, flying after diving, age, gender, etc to improve the understanding and safety of recreational diving and to facilitate the development of safe dive tables and computers 收集和公布潜水意外的数据,便于提高对意外成因的认识和产生更好的治疗方法 Collection and publication of data on diving accidents and fatalities to improve the understanding of the causes of such accidents and to develop better treatment methods 通过Recompression Chamber Assistance Program支持潜水医疗团体的发展 Support to the diving and dive medical community through the Recompression Chamber Assistance Program DAN向潜水区域捐助氧气设备和培训以便提高该地区的潜水安全 DAN donates oxygen equipment and training to dive locations to improve dive safety within the region。
