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导读 大家好,我是小十,我来为大家解答以上问题。offonoff什么意思,offon很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、off ...


1、off adv. 离, 距 far off 远 a mile off 有一英里远 only three months off 只要再过三个月(只在三个月前) 离开, 走开 fly off 飞去 go off 走掉 Where are you off to? 你到哪里去? 脱离, 脱掉 get off 脱衣; 下马 fall off (从马上)掉下来 look off 掉转视线 take off 脱(衣、帽、鞋等) 断掉, 休止 turn off the radio 关掉收音机 take a day off 休假一天 (动作)完了、中止 drink off 喝完 leave off work 停止工作 pay off 付清 The game was called off. 比赛取消了。

2、 [表示情况] comfortably off 收入很多, 生活宽裕 How are you off for fuel? 你们的燃料情况怎样? (渐渐)减少; ...起来 cool off 冷起来; (热情)低落下来; (情绪)平静下来 wear off (精力)衰退; (衣服)渐渐破损 折扣 ten per cent off 九折 欺骗 pass off a false article on a man 把假货卖给某人。
