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导读 大家好,我是小科,我来为大家解答以上问题。英语朗读短文初中,英语朗读短文很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、不知你是否喜欢...



2、I love Yao Ming.

3、Boys and girls,

4、Look at me!

5、Boys and girls!

6、Listen up!

7、This is my idol.(你可以举一张姚明的画象)

8、Cause he is a role model.

9、His name is Yao Ming.

10、Can you repeat after me?

11、Yao Ming!

12、And this is his number (11)(你伸出两个手指做胜利的手势)

13、Can you repeat after me?

14、Eleven, eleven!

15、Eleven means victory!

16、Yao Ming is a sportsman!

17、Yao Ming is a superman!

18、He is super.

19、He is a dream catcher!

20、His dream has come true.

21、 He is playing in NBA.

22、I have no doubt he has bigger dreams in his mind.

23、Get a NBA champion ring!

24、I pray for him!

25、I hooray for him!

26、 I love my idol and my idol loves me!

27、Boys and girls, hooray for Yao Ming!

28、Boys and girls, thank you for listening.
