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导读 大家好,我是小五,我来为大家解答以上问题。梨的英文怎么写,梨的英文很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、pearA fermented, of...


1、pear A fermented, often effervescent beverage made from pears. 梨子酒一种由梨发酵制成、常常起泡的饮料 His figure is somewhat pear shaped. 他的体形有点像梨. The pear was rotten right through. 这个梨烂透了. The pear is rotten to the core. 这梨全烂了。

2、 Be there any pear in the fruit bowl? 水果盘里有梨吗? He took a bite out of the pear. 他咬了一口梨。

3、 Is there any pear in the fruit bowl? 水果盘里有梨吗? The crocodile pears can make man put on weight. 鳄梨会使人发胖。

4、 These radishes of mine taste as good as pears. 我这萝卜赛梨。

5、 Of, relating to, bearing, or characteristic of apples or pomes. 结梨果的属于、关于或结苹果或梨果的,或有苹果或梨果特征的。
