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导读 大家好,我是小五,我来为大家解答以上问题。阿迪达斯最新广告视频,阿迪达斯最新广告很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、“My n...


1、“My name is David Beckham and this is my story. “我是大卫,贝克汉姆,这是我的故事。

2、I still look back to ‘98,回想98年,Of course I wish it hadn’t have happened, 我真希望一切都没发生过,How I sort of reacted as a young boy, 当时我的表现简直像个孩子, I think I cried for about 5 or 10 minutes literally, 后来我哭了足足10分钟。

3、 I’m feeling goose bumps now. 那时不断有人恐吓我,I was having death threats,I never felt safe for 3 and a half years. 整整三年半我没有一点儿安全感。

4、It can knock a person down so much that they just go under, 这打击太大了,我几乎想要放弃。

5、After I scored the goal against Greece, 后来我在对希腊的比赛中进了球,All of the sports writers, they just stood up and started clapping me,所有的记者都起立为我鼓掌, To have that from the harshest critics,能让这些苛刻的评论家为我喝彩, That was a huge thing, 对我来说,这一刻非同寻常。

6、 You will go through tough times, 艰难的时候总会过去, It’s about coming through that.” 只要你能坚持下来!” 。
