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导读 大家好,我是小十,我来为大家解答以上问题。方式状语从句,比较状语从句很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、比较状语从句通常由a...



2、这类从句和大多数状语从句不同,它们不修饰动词,而是修饰as,so,less,more等副词,或其他比较级的词,如 taller, harder.在这里讨论它们,不是作为动词修饰语,而是作为一种状语从句。

3、包含这类从句的句子通常为L,即从句在后: She is as tall as I(or me). He works as hard as his brother(does). He does not work as hard as his brother. He does not work.so hard as his brother. No other men work as(or so) hard as his brother (does). No other men work as hard as does his brother. She is taller than I(or me). She is taller this year than(she was tall)last year. She is more shy than unsocial. She thinks more about her appearance than(she thinks about)about her personality. She finds it easier to read than to write. She is not taller than I.(Both are tall.) She is no taller than I.(Both are short.) I cannot persuade him any more than your persuade a pillar.(= I am unable to persuade him,just as you are unable to persuade a pillar.) I can forget her no more than she(forgets)me. Nothing is more dangerous than that you (should) make friends with him. I will help you rather than that you(should)have any trouble. It is better that we should die rather than that we(should)be slaves. He is only less silly than(= almost as silly as)John. Than him nobody is more clever.(= He is the cleverest man.)(than在这里的作用更接近介词) Than this there are no better places.(This is the best place.) I know John,than whom I have never seen a sillier man.。
