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导读 大家好,我是小五,我来为大家解答以上问题。英文对话简单二人,英文对话很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、Good morning, mad...


1、Good morning, madam. Can I help you? Good morning. I am Sunfang. Yesterday Mr. Smith told me to come for a job interview this morning. Is he available now? Yes, he is waiting for you in Room 123. Thank you very much. May I come in? Come in, please Good morning, Mr. Smith. I am Sunfang coming for an interview. Nice to see you. Take a seat, please. Thank you. We have been looking over your application. I see you have got several years experience in secretarial work. What kind of work did you do in your previous job? I mainly did typing, filing, answering telephone calls and such routine work in the beginning. I started the job as a junior secretary, but within the year I was promoted to senior secretary of Southeast Company. I drafted business correspondence for the general manager. Tell me something about your education. I graduated from Yangzhou Junior College. Now I am attending evening classes in Nanjing Radio & TV University three times a week. My major is International Trade. I have already passed over half of the compulsory courses and five optional courses, and expect to receive a BA degree next year. I see you are an ambitious young lady. I wish you can make greater progress in the future.。
